Monday, December 13, 2010


Frank Moran is NOT a for-real "Parson"; he isn't a preacher of any sort.  But for a Super-Jumbo Cafe' Latte, he'll make himself available to, (1) bless your commercial enterprise, (2) pray for a successful outcome for your team's next game, and/or (3) perform a brief, non-binding, Marriage Ceremony for any of your non-sibling pets ... (same species, please).

As to whether or not his utterances are "of interest", well, that issue is open for debate.

The "parsonage" is located near the foothills of scenic Mount Nittany in Central Pennsylvania, ("Happy Valley", if you will), but "The Reverend Mr. Moran" does not hunt, fish or eat scrapple.

Frank is a Sexagenarian.  If you're unsure of what that means ... all the better!

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